Monday, December 13, 2010

2 Friends, 2 Pizzas, 2 Crossbows and one Knife

I went to Seattle with my dad this past weekend.. On the trip, I watched a lot of GI Joe cartoons.  I also read some books, including some Hardy Boys and some science books.  Then we listened to the radio.

We soon arrived at one of my friend's houses.  We got out, and went inside.  There was an upstairs, downstairs, back yard, front yard, computer room and a hang out room where you can do whatever you want as long as it is a good thing.  I shot a toy crossbow and jumped up off the floor and landed face first on the couch..

We had a mission to get Lucy the cat who was outside, and we couldn't go outside.  So we made tons of noise by shooting the crossbow at the door so that the cat would get irritated and want to come inside, but it did not work. We ate pizza.

The next day I went to another one of my friends houses.  Both of these friend's dads are my mom's cousins. I went in and he had a crossbow too!  He also had a plastic toy hunting knife.  I ran all over with it and we ate pizza and popcorn and defended real gold.

Then we went home.  My mom had a cool jacket for me when I got there.   I liked Seattle.  It is pretty much like the rest of America, except it s really really really rainy.  It is rainy in PNG, but not as rainy as Seattle.  In Seattle the rats are not as large as the ones in PNG either.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The History of the Cougar Club

It all began when we started wanting a club.  Andrew and Isaac and Braden are my brothers, although we can take Isaac and Braden out of the story until later since they were not born yet.  So it was Andrew and our friends who started working on names for our club.  We began to think of animal names, while my friend did research on them, we just thought about them. The name Cheetahs was suggested.  We went with that for awhile and started asking people if they wanted to join the club.  The problem was that we asked, "are you a cheetah" and they did not understand what we meant!  Later, we did some research on cougars and decided to change the name of our club to "cougars." 
Soon after that we decided to have a leader of the club, but there were too many fights and we then decided not to have a leader. 
We all moved up to the mountains together after that and made a club house and a flag.  The purpose of our club is still undecided.  For awhile we were trying to take over the world.  Later we decided to make a new country, or a new continent named cougar.  We were going to dig lots of sand out of the sea and make a new island.  After that we would borrow good soil from other countries so that we could plant things and bring animals over.  

And now that brings you up to today.